Stephen Ministry​ at Community
The purpose of the Community United Methodist Church Stephen Ministry is to provide ongoing one-on-one Christian care to all in need within our congregation and Elm Grove, Brookfield and the larger community. To learn about Stephen Ministries worldwide visit:​
What Is Stephen Ministry?
Based on the story found in Acts 6.1-6, seven laypersons were trained and blessed by the disciples to carry on the care ministry in the early church. In similar ways, Stephen Ministers augment pastoral care in a congregation. Stephen Ministers, after training, will be able to respond to:
People who are hospitalized
Those who are grieving
Those suffering loneliness or discouragement
The divorced or separated
Those who are affected by death
Unemployed persons
People who are homebound or institutionalized
Those dealing with moving and the losses/challenges of relocation
Parents grappling with loss when children leave home
Those convalescing or rehabilitating
New parents
Single parents
Victims of natural or human-caused disaster
Those in spiritual crisis
Many other circumstances that we may find ourselves facing
Sandy Dykstra Commissioned as a Stephen Minister
At worship, Sunday, July 21, Sandy Dykstra was commissioned as a Stephen Leader of CUMC’s Stephen Ministry. Sandy becomes the eighth Stephen Leader of our local ministry, and now joins Don Down as an active leader.
Standing in support of Sandy were Stephen Ministers Debbie Clark, Anne Harberg, and Betsy Krakauer (Sue McConnell was unable to attend).
Stephen Ministry equips lay people (Stephen Ministers) to provide confidential one-to-one Christian care to individuals in our congregation and community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives.
Earlier this year Sandy received training from Stephen Ministries headquarters staff. Sandy will now help move our ministry forward in areas such as awareness, peer supervision, continuing education, and, eventually, Stephen Minister training.
Sandy welcomes questions you may have about having a Stephen Minister.
Community Church became a Stephen Ministry congregation in 2007. Since then, 20 Stephen Ministers have been trained at the church by our Stephen Leaders.
Pictured at the commissioning of Sandy Dykstra are, left to right, Betsy Krakauer, Anne Harberg, Don Down, Sandy Dykstra, and Debbie Clark.