Community Food Pantry
Community Food Center
at Rooted & Rising
March 2025 Needs
HYGIENE ITEMS toilet paper, bar soap, tooth paste, and individually wrapped tooth brushes
MEALS: canned meat, rice, canned soup
MISC: cooking oil, pasta sauce, crackers, mayonnaise, syrup, flour, sugar.
Rooted & Rising - Washington Park
Community Food Center
Community UMC has delivered 284 lbs. so far in 2025
284 lbs. of food, hygiene items, and misc. items were delivered on January 28. In January they served 1217 individuals from 367 households (544 children and 673 adults) in their Community Food Center.
***Your donations may be left inside the marked bins in the entryway off the courtyard during the week (M-Th 8:00 am-3:30 pm and Fri 8:00 am-2:30 pm). On Sundays, the courtyard door is unlocked from 8:00-11:00 am, so you may also bring your donations when you come to Church or leave them in the Narthex and someone will take them down for you. *** “Rooted & Rising – Washington Park” staff and their clients appreciate all the food and hygiene items that CUMC continues to donate monthly. Thanks for your generosity and ongoing support! (Keep filling those bags.)